After many years of disputes and disagreements with the Heart of England Co-Op, a planning application has finally been agreed for the Oakfield Rec site.
The Co-Op never wanted to concede any of the land as open space when they fenced it off and over the years have resisted any attempts to do so, or to sell the land to Rugby Borough Council. An earlier attempt to completely fill the site with a care home and bungalows was rejected by the Planning Committee previously. Finally, it seems sense has been reached by the landowner and a planning application was granted last month which returns 51% of the land as open space.
Community Campaigner Dave Peers said, "This is a victory for the local residents, as the owner was determined not to have any of this as open space."
Photo: Community Campaigner Dave Peers on the doorstep. Tel: 01788 542677 Email: [email protected]