Bilton Councillor Julie A'Barrow has a stash of wheelie bin stickers from Warwickshire Police after her work to slow drivers in Bawnmore Road with Community Speedwatch.
Julie with fellow Councillors Chris Cade and Lisa Parker will deliver some to homes in Bilton Road and Alwyn Road - but if you would like one - regardless of where you live - email [email protected] or call 01788 330000
The police Rugby Town West Safer Neighbourhood Team are providing High Visible patrols in Alwyn Road/Lime Tree Avenue for three months to prevent, detect and deter traffic offences. Parking and speeding are both reported issues.
Photo: Councillor Julie A’Barrow Tel: 01788 330000 Email: [email protected]
Fellow Councillors for Bilton Ward are: Cllr. Lisa Parker Tel: 01788 822763 Email: [email protected] and Cllr. Chris Cade Tel: 07595 432017 Email: [email protected].
Warwickshire County Councillor, Cllr. Kam Kaur Tel: 07985 251851 Email: [email protected]