Councillor Jill Simpson-Vince in her capacity as County Councillor has been trying to organise grit bins through her WCC budget, in various locations across Coton and Boughton following last winter’s snow and ice.
Strawberry Fields had no grit bins at all, so two were allocated to Staveley Way, one near Rothley Drive and one near Helmdon Close.
Boughton Vale has also not had many grit bins, so these are now being looked at for Larkspur, Sorrel Drive, Cornflower Drive and Mallow Way.
The Warwickshire County Council Councillors’ Grant Fund is aimed at community and voluntary organisations. The Fund provides each of Warwickshire County Councillors with a pot of £6000 to support small-scale projects within their division.
For more local news from Coton & Boughton Councillors online, see their brand new Facebook page:
Photo: Councillor Jill Simspon-Vince with fellow Councillors Seb Lowe and Carolyn Robbins
Cllr. Carolyn Robbins Telephone: 01788 540206 Email: [email protected]
Cllr. Seb Lowe Telephone: 07888 868767 Email: [email protected]
Cllr. Jill Simpson-Vince Telephone: 07970 903354 Email: [email protected]