A formal consultation on the main modifications to the Local Plan is open until 5th October. The Local Plan sets out where housing and employment in the borough should be allocated. The independent Inspector made suggested changes following the public examination earlier in the year. Full details are available on the Rugby Borough Council (RBC) website.
Two changes directly affect Wolston and The Lawfords:
1) The land alongside Rugby Road and bordering Back Lane in Long Lawford was proposed to be removed the greenbelt with up to 100 dwellings. The Inspector has proposed that this figure is increased to 150 dwellings to ensure the residential allocations are justified in relation to the capacity of the site and are consistent with national policy in delivering sustainable development. Residents may respond positively to the increase as further affordable homes could be built, or against given the new developments already putting pressure on the infrastructure.
2) Brandon Stadium—the Inspector highlighted the potential development within the confines of the stadium’s buildings and track. The Inspector commented that the stadium, until recently, was in active use and despite its current condition there is not a policy to safeguard sports and recreational buildings from being built on unless surplus to requirements or replaced elsewhere. A main modification should be included supporting sports facilities. This would also ensure that any planning application for the development of the Brandon Stadium could be assessed against evidence for its need, viability and alternative provision.
Many residents have already responded to the planning application at the Brandon Stadium but further comments to the amended Local Plan can also be made.
Photo: Cllrs Derek Poole and Sally Bragg visit the Back Lane site.
Photo 2: Cllr. Andrew Bearne at Back Lane junction.
Cllr. Derek Poole Tel: 02476 543140 Email: [email protected]
Cllr. Sally Bragg Tel: 02476 543377 Email: [email protected]
Cllr. Andrew Bearne Tel: 07989 652180 Email: [email protected]