Works to create a new pathway network has begun.
The pathway plan includes a connection to the existing path from the Western Relief Road and Lias Line, creating a connected network of paths linking Freemantle Road open space with Addison Road Recreation Ground, the Somers Road industrial estate and nearby homes on both Freemantle and Cornwallis roads.
Cllr. Peter Butlin, borough councillor for Admirlas and Cawston said, ‘This is a great scheme connecting the two communities of New Bilton and Admirals, by providing a walking route through our Parks and Public Open Spaces. This is also connected into the existing footpath network. Congratulations to all parties involved in winning this bid. This will be a wonderful community asset.’
Rugby Borough Council joined forces with the New Bilton Community Association to apply for a £25,000 grant from the Government's Pocket Parks programme to fund the work. Fields in Trust has also backed the plans for the Freemantle Road open space with a grant of £8,400, with work on the pathway network set to take four weeks to complete.
Cllr Howard Roberts, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for environment and public realm, said in a council press release; "We're proud of our (*Rugby Conservatives) long track record in investing in Rugby's parks and open spaces, and by working with the community we can deliver the improvements residents want."
Full council press release.
Photos: Works progressing well. This new path will open up the space to cyclists and residents with disabilities while also making a more pleasant walking route in all weather.