Are you interested in becoming a Conservative Councillor? It's a rewarding way to help and support your community.
Councillors are the voice of the local community, represent local views and interests and have a duty to promote the social and economic well-being of the community.
Could you be a Councillor?
Do you QUALIFY to stand for the Council?
Do you live, own or rent property or work in the Rugby Borough Boundary? You can live, work, own or rent property anywhere within the Borough to qualify to stand for any of the seats, you do not need to live/work in the particular Ward you are interested in standing in. It is also preferable, but not essential, that you are a paid up Conservative Member and even better if you have experience as an activis
Do you WANT to stand as a local Councillor?
Being a local Councillor is a big responsibility, to find out more about what is involved in being a Councillor check out the following website: Equally, if you would like to speak to a sitting Councillor about the role then please send us your details and we will arrange for someone to call you for a casual chat.
The TIME Commitment…
As well as the commitment of being a Councillor if you are successfully elected, hard work is needed up poll day to ensure we retain this Conservative seat. Anyone hoping to be our candidate must be prepared to campaign hard, delivering leaflets and knocking on doors with a team of Conservative Activists.
If you want to find out more, contact our Political Deputy Chairman Cllr. Chris Cade on 07930 429618 or email: