Conservative Rugby Borough Council has launched a campaign to remind residents to take their rubbish home when leaving a park.
Cllr. Howard Roberts, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for the environment and public realm, said in a recent press release: “Our parks and open spaces have played a vital role during lockdown, providing a safe, welcoming environment for residents to enjoy. With the gradual relaxation of the lockdown restrictions, we have been disappointed with the behaviour of a minority, behaviour which has placed extra pressure on our staff and resources at a time when we’re still dealing with a national emergency. We want all our residents to be able to enjoy our parks and open spaces, so I’d urge all visitors to behave responsibly, consider others, take all litter home and adhere to the Government guidance on social distancing and hygiene."
Full council press release.
Photo Cllr. Roberts at Rokeby open space, “I’d also like to thank everyone who has helped us by litter-picking at our parks in recent weeks, help which reflects the support we have received throughout the lockdown from the overwhelming majority of our community.”