Newly elected Borough Councillor Andrew Bearne sends a warm thank you to local residents, he writes in an open letter to residents;
Dear Resident, It was a pleasure to meet so many residents during the Rugby Borough election campaign and thanks to all of you who put your confidence in me.
Being elected as one of the Councillors to represent this Ward is an honour and privilege.
A rural Ward made up of many villages presents a variety of challenges as each community will experience its own issues. I shall be proactive, making myself available to all residents, and work with the Parish Councils and community groups.
As an elected member of the Council I will always work closely with my fellow Councillors to make the villages of this Ward clean, safe and enviable places to live. Please do make contact with me, or one of my colleagues, if there are any issues that you wish to discuss.
Yours sincerely,
Councillor Andrew Bearne
Rugby Borough Councillor for Wolston & the Lawfords Email: Tel: 07989 652180
Photo: Cllr Andrew Bearne
photo 2: Andrew with fellow councillors Sally Bragg, Heather Timms and Derek Poole.