Every year County Councillors have a capital sum to allocate to charities and community organisations which serve the local area. At the last budget that sum was increased by £1,000 to £6,000 per year. Bids are made to this fund and scored according to the benefits they deliver to the community.
For example last year, Admirals & Cawston Division County Councillor Peter Butlin allocated £400 to the friends of Cawston Greenway which was used for the purchase of a strimmer, bird feeding posts and bird feed which also helped in the recruitment of more volunteers.
This year, Councillor Butlin has awarded from his funds another £400 to friends of Cawston Greenway for the purchase and installation of two benches.
£1000 has been awarded to Cawston Parish Council for the purchase of a defibrillator. This device that will be publically displayed which could be used to save a life of someone who is in cardiac arrest.
£600 awarded to Rugby autism network for the ’Try Something New project’.
£1,400 to Rugby and Daventry Methodist Church for the Connexions mobile food pantry.
£500 to KA Kits Academy for disability tennis sessions
£1000 to Hill Street for ‘Building for our Future Project.’
£600 to The Gift of Years for 'The Rugby Development Project’.
£500 to Aspire in Arts for Beats, ‘Bars & Banter Project.’
Cllr. Peter Butlin said, “As you can see the projects are diverse and cover all aspects of living in the community.” If you are involved in any similar projects that are in need of one-off funding please get in contact.”
Council officer contact details for the Warwickshire County Councillors Grant fund is Jennifer McCade. Local Communities Officer (Rugby), Communities Directorate, Warwickshire County Council.
For further information online and how to apply see: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/rugbyareainformation
Photo: Cllr. Peter Butlin
cllrbutlin@warwickshire.gov.uk Tel: 01788 816488 Councillor Peter Butlin is Warwickshire County Councils Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property.