Eco-friendly solar-powered lights have been installed on Rugby's Park Connector Network. The Network improves access to open spaces and create a network of 'green' travel corridors across the borough.
Cllr Howard Roberts, Rugby Borough Council portfolio holder for environment and public realm, said in a council press release: "We've witnessed a sharp rise in visitors to our parks and green spaces since the start of the pandemic, and the latest lockdown has led many residents to exercise later in the evenings, either after working during the day or home schooling."
"Our high quality, wider Park Connector pathways cater for walkers, runners and cyclists, and we've received a lot of positive feedback since installing the Solareye lights."
Full council press release.
Photo: Cllr. Roberts, "We're now working to identify new streams of funding in order to grow the Park Connector Network in other parts of the borough."