A call out to residents in Admirals and Cawston to join their local councillors on Facebook for updates on local news.
Councillor Micheal Stokes explains, "Last winter with the effects of the ‘Beast from the East’ we saw some disruption to transport and local council services. At the time, we found local Facebook Groups a great way to communicate with the residents of Admirals & Cawston to keep you all up to date and to get the latest information from you and feedback to the council or responsible organisation."
"To keep that contact going, we’ve now set up a Facebook Page where we’ll post the latest news and information that affects the ward and Rugby as well as keeping you up to date with any issues. Also, you’ll be able to communicate with all three of us directly should you have any questions and feedback."
To find us, simply search ‘Admirals & Cawston Councilors’ on Facebook or use the link; ‘fb.me/AdmiralsCawston’. If you ‘Like’ the page, you’ll get the updates directly to your newsfeed.
Photo: Cllr. Michael Stokes, tel: 01788 819094 email: michael.stokes@rugby.gov.uk
Cllr. Peter Butlin, tel: 01788 816488 email: peter.butlin@rugby.gov.uk
Cllr. Dale Keeling, tel: 079895 360442 email: dale.keeling@rugby.gov.uk