Voters in the West Midlands Region have sent two Conservative MEPs to Brussels following last week’s European Elections. Philip Bradbourn and Anthea McIntyre, both experienced MEPs, will continue to champion the region in Europe and fight for British interests.
The Conservative Party polled 330,470 votes in this hard fought campaign. The election results clearly showed that most people believe that Britain’s relationship with the EU needs fundamental change.
“Anthea and I have received and totally understand that message. We will work with David Cameron to reform our relationship, deliver real change, make the EU work for Britain and then give people a say on the result in an In-Out referendum,” said Philip Bradbourn.
The Conservative share of the vote held up well across the country. But the result is a real disappointment for Labour who polled fewer votes than the Conservatives outside London and barely exceeded their national total when the capital is included. In many Council areas in the West Midlands including Tamworth, North Warwickshire, Herefordshire, Bromsgrove, Rugby, Shropshire and Warwick, Labour came third. This is the worst ever performance for the main opposition party in the history of the UK’s European elections.
The time has now come for voters to closely monitor the performance of the newly elected UKIP MEPs and ensure that they start delivering on their promises. But if this new intake continue like their predecessors and rarely bother to turn up in Brussels and, when they do, have a record of voting against measures that are in Britain’s interests, voters are unlikely to give them their vote again.
“At the General Election, in a year’s time, it will be clear that only the Conservatives have a clear economic plan to turn the country around, reform our relationship with the EU, deal with immigration, fix the welfare system and pass the laws needed to enable a referendum.“said Anthea McIntyre.
For the full European Election results in the West Midlands log onto:
To contact Philip Bradbourn email [email protected]
To contact Anthea McIntyre email [email protected]