Thank you to all residents who continue to put their faith in Rugby Conservatives.
Conservative Council leader Cllr. Micheal Stokes tweeted on election night, 'Congratulations to @RugbyTory tonight where we have seen the Conservative majority increased. But well done to all candidates, whichever politics, for a well fought campaign.'
The results:
Admirals and Cawston Turnout - 32% Conservative hold.
Liberal Democrats: 280
Green Party: 96
Dale Keeling, Conservative Party: 900
Labour Party: 706
Newbold and Brownsover Turnout - 24% Labour hold.
Eve Hassell, Conservative Party: 624
Labour Party: 716
Green Party: 167
Benn Turnout- 27% Labour hold.
John Keeling, Conservative Party: 366
Green Party: 117
Labour Party: 966
Liberal Democrats: 150
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition: 76
Wolvey and Shilton Turnout - 37% Conservative hold.
Labour Party: 187
Chris Pacey-Day, Conservative Party: 561
Bilton Turnout - 42% Conservative hold.
Chris Cade, Conservative Party: 1277
Labour Party: 631
Liberal Democrats: 190
Green Party: 94
Dunsmore Turnout - 39% Conservative hold.
Deepah Roberts, Conservative Party: 1,775
Labour: 547
Hillmorton Turnout - 42% Conservative win.
Labour Party: 711
Ian Picker, Conservative Party: 888
Green Party: 60
Liberal Democrats: 112
Paddox Turnout - 41% Lib Dem hold.
Tony Meeson, Conservative Party: 668
Liberal Democrats: 1070
Green Party: 70
Labour Party: 469
Eastlands Turnout - 33% Lib Dem win.
Zoe Feeney Conservative Party: 511
Liberal Democrats: 643
Green Party: 95
Labour Party: 505
Coton and Boughton Turnout - 27% Conservative hold.
Labour Party: 640
Jill Simpson-Vince, Conservative Party: 900
New Bilton Turnout - 26% Labour hold.
Green Party: 198
Labour Party: 747
Adam Daly, Conservative Party: 494
Liberal Democrats: 37
Wolston and The Lawfords Turnout - 34% Conservative win.
Andrew Bearne, Conservative Party: 1174
Labour Party: 553
Trade Union and Socialist Coalition:
Green Party: 201
Revel and Binley Woods Turnout - 42% Conservative hold.
Labour Party: 507
Belinda Garcia, Conservative Party: 1406
Rokeby and Overslade Turnout - 40% Lib Dem hold.
Labour Party: 512
Green Party: 80
Liberal Democrats: 1265
Conservative Party: 552