Derek Works Hard on Local Issues in the Ward
Derek Poole has worked tirelessly with his fellow councillors in the ward since 2003. This includes working on the Long Lawford Community Association, which is now up and running.
However, work never stops and there are ongoing and new issues to deal with. For example there is new a new planning application for Long Lawford from Bloor Homes, along with discussions at Rugby Borough Council involving the derelict garage sites around the ward.
Derek is also concerned about the cancellation of the No.96 and No.3 bus service. This is especially true in the Green and Chapel Street area of Long Lawford where the sheltered accommodation is based for our senior residents. He is trying to find a solution.
Dog fouling and speeding cars continue to be an issue that requires constant monitoring. Anti-social behaviour and criminal damage to the parks and play areas continue to be an issue and a cost to the taxpayers.
As a retired police officer, Derek represents Rugby Borough Council on the local Community Safety Partnership and also sit on the Police and Crime panel.
Photo 1: Derek Poole out and about seeking residents views in Wolston & The Lawfords
Photo 2: Derek works closely with fellow ward councillors Andrew Bearne and Sally Bragg
Contact Derek via email; [email protected] or Tel: 02476543140