An unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller encampment was set up at Bilton High School playing fields on Lawford Lane this morning. The local Borough Councillors visited the area to see the situation for themselves.
Admirals and Cawston Councillor Micheal Stokes said in a press statement released this morning, "Cllr. (Dale) Keeling and myself have been working with Cllr. Peter Butlin as the local Warwickshire County Councillor with regard to the illegal travellers that have moved onto the Bilton School playing fields. This morning we’ve visited site and can confirm that Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire Police are fully engaged and working with the school to have the travellers removed ASAP. It seems that yet again the travellers have gained access to local Facebook groups so we would advise caution about anything posted and would assume it is public."
For the latest update on the encampment see;
Photo: Cllr. Peter Butlin, Admirals and Cawston Rugby Borough Councillor and County Councillor for Admirals and Cawston Division visited the school this morning.
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