Christmas Drinks with Mark Pawsey MP 22nd December 2014 12.00 - 2.00pm Christmas Drinks with Mark Pawsey MP at Rugby Conservative Association, 2 Castle Mews, Rugby CV21 2XL. No charge but any contributions would be greatly appreciated. Please contact 01788 542677 to register
Christmas Lunch and Festivities 14th December 2014 12.30pm Christmas Lunch and Festivities at the Masonic Hall, Elsee Road, Rugby CV21 3BA Tickets £25 Please contact 01788 542677 to register
Sumptuous Afternoon Tea 19th November 2014 3.00pm - 5.00pm Rugby Conservative Association invites you to a sumptuous afternoon tea with mouth watering sandwiches and cakes at the home of Mrs Barbara Taylor. Bring and Buy - Raffle and Bric-a-Brac. Tickets are £6.00 and are available from the Association Office on 01788 542677.
Supper Club 24th October 2014 7.30pm Supper CLub Event to be held at the Bell Inn, Monks Kirby, CV23 0QY. Guest Speaker Heather Wheeler MP for South Derbyshire Price £15.00 Contact 01788 542677 to reserve your place
SUPPER CLUB 28th March 2014 7.00pm for 7.30pm To be held at The Bell Inn, Monks Kirby, Rugby, CV23 0QY Guest Speaker - Daniel Dalton MEP Candidate for the West Midlands Tickets £15 to include a two course meal Contact Lorna on 01788 542677 for tickets
CHRISTMAS DINNER 6th December 2013 7.00 for 7.30pm To be held at The Bell Inn, Monks Kirby, Rugby, CV23 0QY TICKETS £23.50 per person Festive Christmas Dinner including Coffee & Mince Pies Music with accomplished pianist JAMES HAMMOND Dance if you dare!
FOUR SEASONS SUPPER CLUB 8th November 2013 7.00PM FOR 7.30PM A relaxed and informal evening giving everyone the chance to mix and mingle with friends over Supper. At The Bell Inn, Bell Lane, Monks Kirby, Nr Rugby, CV23 0QY Guest Speaker: Karen Lumley MP for Redditch Tickets: £15 to include a 2 course meal & coffee Raffle Contact Lorna on 01788 542677 for tickets.
AFTERNOON TEA 25th October 2013 3.00pm to 5.00pm A delicious Afternoon Tea will be served by kind permission of Mrs Barbara Taylor:- At 15 Waring Way, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6PH Tickets £5.00 Bring & Buy Stall Raffle
A RACE NIGHT 7th September 2013 6.30pm for 7.00pm To be held at Church Lawford Village Hall, CV23 9EE Tickets £7.50 to include a Fish & Chip Supper Bring your own drinks
Afternoon Tea 5th July 2013 3.00 - 5.00pm A sumptuous Afternoon Tea in a countryside setting with a Bring & Buy Stall & Raffle. Tickets £5.00 Contact Lorna on 01788 542677 for tickets.
FOUR SEASONS SUPPER CLUB 28th June 2013 7.30pm To be held at The Bell Inn, Monks Kirby, Rugby, CV23 0QY. Guest Speaker Chris Pincher MP for Tamworth Tickets £15 to include 2 Course Meal & Coffee A relaxed and informal evening giving everyone the chance to mix and mingle with friends over Supper Contact Lorna on 01788 542677 for a ticket.
Four Seasons Supper Club 22nd March 2013 7.30pm A relaxed and informal evening giving everyone the chance to mix and mingle with friends over supper. Guest Speaker Chris Heaton-Harris MP for Daventry Venue: The Bell Inn, Monks Kirby, Rugby, CV23 0QY Tickets: £15 to include 2 course meal Contact: Lorna on 01788 542677 for tickets