The March discussion brief for Rugby's Conservative Policy Forum will be: Increasing Productivity and Supporting Growth.
What should be the role of the Government in encouraging growth?
Where in the World will growth come from? Who will we be exporting to and importing from?
How can we encourage more people back into the workplace? What can the government do to incentivise flexible or part-time working?
In our area, what is the most important industry or market? If government could do one thing to help increase growth or improve productivity in that market, what would it be?
Are there skills or resources in your area which could benefit from special support? What are they, and what support would help?
What would economic success look like in your area? Is GDP a relevant measure?
These questions form part of the Productivity strand of our ‘Ideas Challenge’. In it, we look at where UK economic growth has come from in the past and what has happened to it over the last few years. We then lay out the unprecedented action that the Coalition Government is taking to drive growth before asking you what more can be done during the next Parliament.
Copies of the discussion brief and summary can be downloaded below.
The discussion is being held at Rugby Conservative Association, Albert Buildings, 2 Castle Mews, Rugby, CV21 2XL
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